With race day getting closer by the minute, on the 19th july we headed for pen y fan, we arrive around 8:30pm expecting to find the car park full but to our surprise found only a handful of cars. We had a quick look to see where we could bivi for the night once the midges had buggered off, we had a coffee and something to eat and at around 11:30 decided to get our heads down so off we went to our chosen spot, I think it was around 01:30 when I fell asleep under a star filled sky. At 04:50 we woke up to find a couple of other people around us with the same sleeping idea, once we packed up we headed back to the van for breakfast and to make any last minute weight changes before weighing and registration, I came in bang on weight but mark had to add a lb, collected my race number 593 (which i wasn't too happy about because I hate odd numbers) and little bag of treats. One last toilet stop and we were ready to go, so at 7:50 we joined our load bearing group ready to set off at 08:00 ...
So since the last time I posted I think I've ran twice, been rather lazy even though I know I cant afford to be(it's a lack of determination on my part) . Saying that I did run from work yesterday with 13.5kg in 27:30s (the route I use according to run keeper is 2.66 miles), I did stop to walk 3 times though didn't really need to, am hoping to run tonight (hill reps), but if I don't I'm going to make sure I do tomorrow.
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